- [材料题]
- 单项选择题1.参考听力
A、Starting a family.
B、Table manners.
C、Growing up.
D、Dining out.
- C
- 单项选择题2.参考听力
A、It was the first time he was called “Mister ”.
B、It was the first time his parents treated him as an adult.
C、It was the first time he behaved as an adult before his parents.
D、It was the first time he took his parents out for dinner.
- C
- 单项选择题3.参考听力
A、Parents usually regard their children as grown-ups when they reach
B、The waiter usually places the bill in the middle of the table.
C、The speaker ’s father used to pay their restaurant bills.
D、The family used to go to a restaurant for dinner when they got together.
- C
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