- [材料题]
- 单项选择题1.参考听力
A、Looking for a right place to live
B、Helping the man with some housework
C、Looking for an apartment for the man
D、Doing a research on neighbor relationships
- A
- 单项选择题2.参考听力
A、The man does all the washing for everyone in the apartment
B、All the people in the apartment take turns to do all the washing
C、All the people in the apartment help each other in washing clothes
D、All the people in the apartment have to share one washer and dryer
- D
- 单项选择题3.参考听力
A、He not only paid for the paint but also did the painting
B、He did the painting while his neighbor paid for the paint
C、He had his neighbor paid the apartment and paid them for it
D、His neighbor not only paid for the paint but also did the painting
- B
- 单项选择题4.参考听力
A、They helped with the moving
B、They allowed him to postpone the mowing
C、They sold the mover to pay the man’s treatment
D、They asked the man not to move in the following months
- B
- 单项选择题5.参考听力
A、He disliked the man and moved out
B、He knew the woman wanted to move in so he moved out
C、He couldn’t put up with his neighbors and moved out
- D
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