- 简答题
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay in honor of teachers on the occasion of Teacher’s Day. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:
1. 向老师致以节日祝贺
2. 从一件难忘的事回忆老师的教诲和无私的奉献
3. 我如何回报老师的关爱
&nBsp; &nBsp;On TEAChEr’s DAy
ToDAy is SEptEmBEr 10th&nBsp;, thE tEAChEr’s DAy. On this GrEAt , I ExprEss All my thAnks to my GrEAt tEAChErs .
&nBsp;I likE All my tEAChErs, AnD I Am EspECiAlly imprEssED By my EnGlish&nBsp;tEAChEr Miss li, who is thE First pErson to GuiDE mE to thE EnGlish&nBsp;worlD. At thAt timE, I wAs only A 12 yEAr-olD Girl. AnD it wAs Miss li who EnCourAGED mE oFtEn AnD ArousED my intErEst in lEArninG it . ShE wAs kinD , Also pAtiEnt. Most oF All, shE usED All kinDs oF mEthoDs likE rolE plAy, ContEst to involvE us in thE nEw lAnGuAGE lEArninG. AnD shE DEvotED hErsElF to tEAChinG us BEttEr.
&nBsp;Now , I Am A univErsity stuDEnt , AnD I know how GrEAt how thE work is! Only iF I work hArD AnD mAkE GrEAt AChiEvEmEnt CAn I BEComE thE pErson likE my tEAChErs.
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