[材料题] Early parenting choices are never clear-cut,and deciding whether to allow your infant to watch television or DVDs ranks as one of the more perplexing. Thanks to marketing claims for TV shows and DVDs created for babies,many parents believe that watching educational programming will stimulate infants' brains and actually promote learning.It's a seductive line of reasoning.Certainly,exposing a baby to brain-engaging DVDs will put him on an early path to becoming,well,a baby Einstein,right?Maybe not.The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no television time for babies younger than 2,in large part because no study published in the current issue of Pediatrics confirms that position. Marie Evans Student,a research associate at the Center on Media & Child Health at Children's Hospital Boston,studied more than 800 youngsters from birth to 3 years,recording the time they spent watching television or DVDs as reported by their mothers,as well as their performance on language and motor-
单项选择题1.Why does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend no television time for babies younger than 2?

A、Long time of exposure to TV does harm to babies' health.

B、There is no scientific evidence for the benefit of watching TV.

C、Babies under 2 can only know a little about TV program.

D、There are no TV channels established for babies under 2.

  • B
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单项选择题2.What is shortcoming of Schmidt's initial analysis of her research?

A、The result of the analysis didn't agree with the reality in babies' lives.

B、She was influenced by other people in the analysis.

C、Babies' cognitive development was ignore in the analysis.

D、She didn't take mother's educational status and household income into consideration.

  • D
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单项选择题3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A、Parents should try their best to keep their children from TV.

B、It depends whether TV does harm to Children.

C、Watching TV is harmful for children's growth.

D、Schmidt and Christakis have different ideas on babies' watching TV.

  • B
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单项选择题4.What does the word “deviate”(Line2,Para.5)refer to,according to the passage?





  • A
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单项选择题5.What did Schmidt find through her first analysis of her research?

A、Watching TV had a negative influence on babies' language and motor-skill.

B、Youngsters from 1 to 3 preferred DVDs to TV programs in their spare time.

C、Babies who spent more time in watching TV did not like her research.

D、It was hard to get information about babies' performance on language and motor-skill.

  • A
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