[材料题] (1)Life learning (sometimes called un-schooling or self-directed learning) is one of those concepts that are almost easier to explain by saying what it isn’t, than what it is. And that’s probably because our own schooled backgrounds have convinced us that learning happens only in a dedicated building on certain days, between certain hours, and managed by a specially trained professional.(2)Within that schooling framework, no matter how hard teachers try and no matter how good their textbooks, many bright students get bored, many slower students struggle and give up or lose their self-respect, and most of them reach the end of the process unprepared to enter into society. They have memorized a certain body of knowledge long enough to rush back the information on tests, but they haven’t really learnt much, at least of the official curriculum.(3)Life learners, on the other hand, know that learning is not difficult, that people learn things quite easily if they’re not compelled and forced, if they see a need to l
单项选择题1.It is implied in the text that it is hard to ___________.

A、carry life learning though

B、tell the nature of life learning

C、learn without going to school

D、find a specially trained teacher

  • B
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单项选择题2.Life learners recognize that learning will not be difficult if they are __________.

A、clear about why to learn

B、careful to make a time table

C、able to respect other people

D、cautious about any mistakes

  • A
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单项选择题3.Through life learning, children ___________.

A、will grow without the assistance from parents

B、will learn to communicate with the real world

C、will be driven to learn necessary life knowledge

D、will be isolated from the negative side of society

  • B
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单项选择题4.According to the author, life learning __________.

A、could prevent one from running risks

B、could be a road full of trials and errors

C、makes a kid independent of his parents

D、teaches a kid how to avoid being scorned

  • B
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单项选择题5.According to the author, the schooling framework often __________.

A、produces slow students with poor memories

B、ignores some parts of the official curriculum

C、fails to provide enough knowledge about life

D、gives little care to the quality of teaching materials

  • B
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