[材料题] (1)A house is the most expensive thing most people will ever buy. Very few people have enough money of their own to buy a home, so they have to borrow money from a bank. Borrowing money from a bank to buy a house is called “take a mortgage (抵押).”The bank usually lends money or gives a mortgae for twenty-five years. Houses are so expensive that many people nowadays have to borrow as much as $ 50 000. In other words, they will have a $ 50 000 mortgage. (2)How can you get a mortgage? When you find a house you like, you go to a bank. The bank will research you financial (金融的) history and decide if. they think you are a good risk. They will want to know what kind of job you have, what kind of salary you make, and how long you have had the job. They will also want to know how much money you have. In addition, the banks will require a down payment. Depending on which state you live in, the bank may require as much as 30% of the-price of the house as a down payment. The bank will then lend you the rest of the money t
单项选择题1.If American people borrow money from the bank for 25 years, this means that the person who borrows

A、has twenty-five years to pay back the money

B、has more than twenty-five years to pay back the money

C、has less than twenty-five years to pay back the money

D、has about twenty-five years to pay back the money

  • A
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单项选择题2.Which is not one of the things researched by a bank?

A、How much money the borrower owns.

B、What salary the borrower makes.

C、What kind of job the borrower has.

D、What kind of house the borrower lives in.

  • D
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单项选择题3.The most suitable title for this passage would be _______.

A、How to Save Money on the House

B、How to Borrow Money from a Bank

C、How to Take a Mortgage

D、How to Buy a House

  • C
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单项选择题4.What does“down payment”refer to in the passage?

A、Money borrowed from a bank as a mortgage.

B、Money paid to a bank before the mortgages is given.

C、Interest received by a person who borrows money as the mortgages.

D、Interest charged by a bank on a mortgage.

  • B
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单项选择题5.What does a house mean in the United States?

A、It is a dream which many people can hardly realize.

B、It is so expensive that many people cannot really buy them.

C、It is the most important property that many people try to buy.

D、It doesn't belong to people if they can't borrow money from the bank.

  • C
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