- [材料题] The ability to speak two languages can make bilingual people better able to pay attention than those who can only speak one language, a new study suggests.Scientists have long suspected that some enhanced mental abilities might be tied to structural differences in brain networks shaped by learning more than one language, just as a musician’s brain can be altered by the long hours of practice needed to master an instrument.Now, in a study published in The Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at Northwestern University for the first time have documented differences in how the bilingual brain processes the sounds of speech, compared with those who speak a single language, in ways that make it better at picking out a spoken syllable, even when it is buried in a babble(模糊不清地说)of voices.That biological difference in the auditory nervous system appears to also enhance attention and working memory among those who speak more than one language, they say.“Because you have two languages going o
- 单项选择题1.The study by a group of researchers from Northwestern University revealed that __________.
A、the bilingual brains are shaped by the long hours of learning more than one language
B、the auditory nervous system of bilingual people does better in detecting a spoken syllable
C、long hours of practice changes the structural differences in brain networks
D、bilingual people are more sensitive to a babble of voices
- B
- 单项选择题2.This new study also proved that __________ .
A、the biological structure of brain networks of a bilingual people is just as that of a musician
B、having two languages in mind helps to shape the auditory nervous system
C、those who speak more than one language are mental jugglers
D、bilingual people can have better working memory
- D
- 单项选择题3.In their study, Professor Kraus and her colleagues __________.
A、recruited 48 teenager participants on an involuntary basis
B、tested how the two groups responded to the English syllables
C、experimented on 23 Spanish high school students and 25 American teenagers
D、compared brain signals of bilingual students with those who only spoke English
- D
- 单项选择题4.During the test, the syllable “da” __________.
A、was better detected by the bilingual students
B、was heard by the students who can only spoke English when there was background noise
C、aroused more significant neural responses of the bilingual brains when there was background noise
D、was heard by both groups without any trouble
- C
- 单项选择题5.Some recent studies suggest that bilingual people __________.
A、can better resist the aging of brain
B、are capable of multitasking
C、develop more sensitive mind
D、tend to set priorities
- A