[材料题] (1)Stare at the clock.(2)Make silly drawings.(3)Stare at the clock again.(4)Complain about the weather.(5)The clock? It's still there, ticking even more slowly.(6)No, none of this was planned for the meeting.(7)You'd love to get your work done, but instead you spend half your day in a meeting room.(8)Office workers spend an average of 23 hours a week in meetings, according to the Wharton Center for Applied Research in the US. And, these workers consider only 58 percent of that time useful.(9)It doesn't have to be this way. Here are a few guidelines for you to use meetings effectively, not eat up your productivity.(10)1) Know what you want. "Know precisely why the meeting is being held and decide realistically what you intend to accomplish," says Gayle Brickman, a US communication instructor. "If you cannot write these two things down, the meeting should not take place."(11)2) Figure out whether a face-to-face meeting is necessary. Would a group email be enough? A couple of phon
单项选择题1.A worker who is in a meeting that he doesn't want to take part in is likely to ___________.

A、draw funny pictures

B、change the clock

C、check the weather

D、plan another meeting

  • A
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单项选择题2.Office workers think that _________ the time used in meetings is wasted.

A、more than half of

B、almost all of

C、less than half of

D、none of

  • C
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单项选择题3.In this passage, we are advised to follow some principles in order to __________.

A、learn guidelines

B、eat up productivity

C、make the most of meetings

D、increase production

  • C
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单项选择题4.To decide whether a meeting is necessary, we may ask the following questions except "___________".

A、Can I solve the problem by email or phone call?

B、Will my fellow workers like to have this meeting?

C、What is the purpose of this meeting?

D、What do I intend to get from the meeting?

  • B
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单项选择题5.It is a good time to have informal staff meetings ___________.

A、when you and your coworkers are most productive

B、when all the staff are having a coffee break

C、before you hand out the information to be discussed

D、when you can keep track of the time

  • B
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