[材料题] (1)Some 4000 Americans ambitions to become physicians are studying for their M. D. s abroad. Many were rejected by U.S. medical schools simply because there was no room. Last year, for example, some 13,000 of 35,000 would-be physicians who applied to U.S. schools were accepted. Of those who were turned down, well over 600 are trying the foreign route.(2)But gaining admittance to a good foreign school may be a problem. British medical schools give priority to Britons, and Canada’s world-renowned McGill University School of Medicine takes only a handful of well qualified Americans annually. But several schools do welcome U.S. medical students---if they can master the local language. More than 500 Americans are enrolled in the Belgian universities at Brussels and Louvain, for example. Some 800 attend the Italian University at Bologna; 175 at Rome. Mexico’s Autonomous University of Guadalajara numbers 1,300 gringos among its 4,000 students.(3)Despite difficulties abroad, many Americans complete their medical educ
单项选择题1.Which of the following is true about U.S. would-be physicians?

A、America medical schools have superfluous applicants

B、language is a big problem all the American students applying to foreign medical schools have to face.

C、Graduates from both American and foreign medical schools should take the same test before practice

D、As many as one-third of last year’s applicants of medical schools are now applying to foreign schools

  • A
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单项选择题2.Which is following is true about foreign medical education?

A、A lot of foreign medical schools do not welcome U.S. students simply because they have to consider the applicants form their own countries first.

B、To enter foreign medical schools is much easier than to gain admittance into American medical schools if the problem of language is not regarded.

C、There are not many good foreign medical schools according to American students

D、There are so many difficulties in studying abroad that not many American students become successful in foreign medical schools

  • A
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单项选择题3.Which of the following is one of the difficulties the American students at foreign medical schools have to face with?

A、Living and medical conditions in foreign countries are not so good as those in America.

B、There is racial discrimination against them.

C、They are given no opportunities to practice at local places.

D、They are treated the same as foreign physicians and medical school graduates when trying to go back to America to practice.

  • D
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单项选择题4.What does the word “gringos” mean?



C、Americans in Mexico


  • C
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单项选择题5.Which of the following can be the title of this passage?

A、Foreign Medical Schools

B、Life at Foreign Medical Schools

C、The tough Foreign Route.

D、American Would-be Physicians at Foreign Schools.

  • C
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