- [材料题]
请阅读 Passage 2,完成第26 ~ 30 小题。
For many people,there is a very well-established stereotype that the first-class American univei ties are simply the best. However,l am not quite convinced of that. When I took back at my acaded formation in the USA and compare it to the academic formation some of my friends had at Brazil don't feel like I am more prepared than my peers. Thus,l am currently facing a dilemma of whethei pursue my graduate studies in Brazil or in the USA.The difference in our academic hackgrounds,however,is the more liberal nature of American ucation. From my experience at Georgetown ,and from what 1 know of American higher education,there are very few strict requirements imposed on students. Generally speaking,you are relatively free to twhichever classes you wanL,provided that they are under the scope of your major field of study. To illustrate,l compared the master's degrees in economics from Duke and FundaGao Getulio Vargas( FCV) ,a Brazilian university. I chose to present a master's degree comparison here because short two-year study period makes it simpler than comparing a four-ycar program. Duke's prog works like this:you pick a field of study and then have a required number of courses that you have totake in certain areas. Most of the requirements are not c:ourse-specific,but area-specific. With some fields of study,you can skip certain'areas altogether. If you choose to get a master's degree in appeconomic,for instance,you don't have to take any mathematics course. In FGV,all economics studr need to take the same core structure:Microeconomics 1 through 4,Macroeconomics 1 through 3,Econ ometrics,Statistics I and 2,and Math for Fconomics 1 and 2. F'rom then on,you can specialize in I Lain fields,and the elective structure seems to be the same as in Duke:you pick five electives f your main area of interest.This seems to be the same kind of difference that I noticed comparing what I studied in Geo town as an undergraduate to what some of my friends stuclied in their undergnaduate careers in Bn Now,is this more liberal education good or bad? There are factors pulling it each way,and the ideal solution,in my view,is a reasonable middle ground. What I see happening in American universities, howevcr,is a little too much liberalization. 'r00 much liberty tends to encourage students to take the more"interesting" courses,and ignore those that are considered most" b"ring". The problem is that many c,f these" boring" courses are usually foundational courses, which give students the analytical tools they need in order to be truly competent in their fields of study. In the end,l feel like American universities sometimes delegate too much responsibility to students in terms of choosing their academic careers. For me, this is troublint;. Students in their twenties usually have very little experience in the field they are studying,and many times they don't really know the tools they need to succeed in their area of interest. It is certainly the case in my situa tion. Fortunately,l research and discuss a lot before picking my classes, and was able to take advantage of my liberal American education Lo build both a strong foundation and take classes that in Lerest me. But is this always the c.ase? From my experience,l think not. What I see happening at Gcorgetown is that many students just pick the classes Lhey find most interesting,without any real consideration of how it is going to support their overall academic formation. This result is a deficit in fundamentals.
- 多项选择题1.Which of the following influences the writer's judgment of the universities in the passage?
A、 The academic information provided by his friends in Brazil.
B、 The information obtained from the university authorities.
C、 Those commonly held beliefs conceming the ranking of universities.
D、 The leaming experience of himself in the USA and that of his friends in Brazil.
- D
- 多项选择题2.Why did the writer choose to compare the master's programs rather than the bachelor's programs?
A、lt is easier to make such a comparison.
B、 The master's program may better illustrate the difference.
C、 The master's program is simpler than the bachelor's program.
D、 It is of less interest to the writer to compare the bachelor's programs.
- A
- 多项选择题3.Which of the following can be inferred as the writer's attitude toward the Americari higher education?
A、 Biased.
B、 Positive.
C、 Critical.
D、 Negative.
- C
- 多项选择题4.Which of the following is true about the writer's experience?
A、 He was benefited from the American education.
B、 He has been harmed by the American education.
C、 He has not laid a solid foundation for his academic career.
D、 He has selected course that do not support his overall academic formation.
- A
- 多项选择题5.Which of following words is closest in meaning to"deficit"in the last PARAGRAPH?
A、 Deficiency.
B、 Sufficiency.
C、 Requirement.
D、 Decl
- A
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