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请阅读 Passage 1 ,完成第 21 ~ 25小题。
Passage 1
In only two decades Asian Americans have become the fastest growing U. S. minority. As their children began moving up through the nation schools,it became clear that a new class of academic achievers was emerging. Their achievements are reflected in the nation's best universities,where mathematics,science and engineering departments have taken on a decidedly Asian character. This special liking for mathematics and science is partly explained by the fact that Asian-American students whobegan their education abroad arrived in the U. S. with a solid grounding in mathematics but little or no knowledge of English. They are also influenced by the promise of a good job after college. Asians feel there will be less unfair treatment in areas like mathematics and science because they will be judged more objectively. And the return on the investment in education is more immediate in something likeengineering than wiLh an arts degree.Most Asian-American students owe their success to the influence of parents who are determined that their children take full advantage of what the American educational system has to offer. An effective measure of parental attention is homework. Asian parents spend more time with their children thanAmerican parents do,and it helps. Many researchers also believe there is something in Asian culture that makes success,such as ideals that stress family values and emphasize education.Both explanations for academic success worry Asian Americans because of fears that they feed a typical racial image. Many can remember when Chinese,Japanese and Filipino immigrants were the victims of social isolation.lndeed,it was not until 1952 that laws were laid down giving all Asian immigrancs the right to citizenship.
- 多项选择题1.With making outstanding achievements at college,Asian-American students_ .
A、 feel they are mistreated because of limited knowledge of English
B、 are afraid that their academic successes are not recognized
C、 still worry about unfair treatment in society for their origin
D、genenrally feel it a shame to deepend on their partents.
- C
- 多项选择题2.What are the major factors that determine the success of Asian Americans?
A、 A solid foundation in basic mathematics and Asian culture.
B、 Hard work and intelligence.
C、 Parent8' help and a limited knowledge of English.
D、 Asian culture and the American educational system.
- A
- 多项选择题3.Few Agian American students major in human sciences mainly because .
A、 their English is not go0d enough
B、 they are afraid they might meet with unfair judgment in these areas
C、 there is a wide difference between Asian and Western cultures
D、 they know little about American culture and society
- B
- 多项选择题4.Why do " both explanatioris" ( Para. 3 ) worry Asian Amencarns?
A、 They are afraid that they appear of typical Asian characteristics.
B、 People wiU think that Asian students rely on their parents for success.
C、 Asian Americans will be a threat to other minorities.
D、 Americans fear the academic achievements made by Asian Americans.
- A
- 多项选择题5.Before 1952 in America .
A、 Asian Americans could not be academically successful .
B、 there were few immigrants from East and Southeast Asia
C、immigrants were not equally treated by Asian Americans
D、immigrants from East and Southeast Asia were looked down upon
- D
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- 某患者头颅局部凸起病变,以下最佳摄影体位
- 腹部CT扫描的准备不包括
- 心脏摄影,曝光时间确定的依据是
- 螺旋扫描,螺距为0.5,床速为5mm/s
- 与标准后前正位胸片的显示无关的是
- 喉部CT扫描,仰头的目的是
- 心脏左前斜位(第二斜位)摄影,身体冠状面
- 患者男,56岁,胸痛1月余。胸部X线透视
- 关于颅脑冠状位扫描技术的描述错误的是
- 关于肱骨侧位摄影,以下错误的是
- 不适于颅脑CT扫描方法的是
- 下列各项中属显影剂的是
- 关于CT扫描方式的叙述,错误的是
- 用于消化道穿孔患者,观察膈下游离气体,首
- 急性胃肠道穿孔摄影的叙述,错误的是
- 螺旋CT螺距为1,床速为10mm/s,层
- 下列摄影位置显示,错误的是
- 不能用于检查气胸的摄影体位是
- CT扫描程序中不包括