


    Teaching objectives

    Teaching key and difficult points

    Major steps and time allocation

    Activities and justification



                                                                               FIGHTING GROWING DESERTS

 Why do we have deserts today? Deserts have not always been here. Most deserts that we have today were once green lands full of the plant life. One of today's biggest deserts is in North Africa.However,in the lst century BC farms in the North Africa grew corn and wheat to make bread for the whole city of Rome. How did this area become desert?Both weather and people can help forma desert. Hot weather or very little rain makes the land so dry that nothing can grow.lf people cut down or burn trees and plants to make land clear for farming,the wind can blow the soil away and tum the dry land into sand. Another big problem is farming on land that is not very good.This poor land can very quickly turn into desert,if it is farmed too much. One of the biggest causes,however,is when people take their animals to the same fields to feed over and over,and the fields finally lose all their nutrition. Because of these problems,deserts are slowly taking over green land in many parts ofthe world,including China. However,we can fight the growing deserts!  In some parts of China people are working to prevent desert from expanding. In Xinjiang, for example, some farmers are trying new scientiric farming methods.These methods make it possible to use less land for crops,so farmers then can plant trees on the rest of their land!One Xinjiang farmer,used only half of his fields to grow the same amount of crops as last year. On the other half of his land,he planted fruit trees. The work of people like this is helping tofight the world's growing deserts.

  • &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;TEAChinG oBjECtivEs

    &nBsp;&nBsp;(1) KnowlEDGE oBjECtivE:

    &nBsp;&nBsp;StuDEnts CAn lEArn ABout thE CAusEs oF thE DEsErt AnD thE mEthoD to prEvEnt DEsErtiFiCAtion.

    &nBsp;&nBsp;(2) ABility oBjECtivE:

    &nBsp;&nBsp;①StuDEnts CAn unDErstAnD thE FunCtion oF top sEntEnCEs,AnD tAkE notEs ABout how thE DEsErt

    &nBsp;&nBsp;ComEs into BEinG.

    &nBsp;&nBsp;②StuDEnts CAn prEDiCt thE listEninG mAtEriAl ACCorDinG to thE titlE AnD tEst thE GuEssinG.

    &nBsp; &nBsp;( 3 ) Emotion oBjECtivE:

    &nBsp;StuDFEn CAn rEAlizE thE sErious EnvironmEntAl proBlEms AnD thE importAnCE oF EnvironmEnt protECtion.

    &nBsp;TEAChinG kEy AnD DiFFiCult poinC:

    &nBsp; ( 1)'ro know ABout thE CAusEs oF thE DEsErt AnD thE mEthoD to prEvEnt DEsErtiFiCAtion.

    &nBsp; (2)To tAkE notEs oF thE top sEntEnCEs AnD sEttlE thE quEstions with thE hElp oF thE notEs.

    &nBsp; TEAChinG proCEDurEs:

    &nBsp; &nBsp;StEp I PrE-IistEninG(7 minutEs)

    &nBsp; &nBsp; ( 1 ) LEADinG in

    &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;①mAkE A story BAsED on Four piCturEs

    &nBsp; &nBsp;ThE tEAChEr prEsEnts Four piCturEs ABout DEsErtiFiCACion,thEn Asks Four stuDEnts to mAkE A story EACh ACCorDinG to onE piCturE.


    &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;ThE sluDEnts DisCuss thE CAusEs oF turninG A GrEEn lAnD into A DEsEr in Group oF Four.

    &nBsp; &nBsp;( JustiFiCAtion:ThE viviD piCturEs AnD story mAkinG ArE to put thE EnthusiAsm oF thE stuDEnts in motion. ThE DisCussion will sLimulAtE thE BACkGrounD knowlEDGE. )

    &nBsp; &nBsp; ( 2) prEDiCtinG

    &nBsp; &nBsp;ACCorDinG to thE titlE oF thE listEninG FiGhtin.G GrowinG DEsErts,GuEss whAt will BE DisCussED.

    &nBsp; &nBsp;( JusliFiCAtion:ThE prEDiCtinG will prEpArE For thE First listEninG mEntAlly. )

    &nBsp; &nBsp; StEp 2 WhilE-listEninG(30 minutEs)

    &nBsp; &nBsp; ( I ) listEn AnD ChECk

    &nBsp; &nBsp; ListEn to thE tApE For thE First timE AnD ChECk thE GuEssinG.

    &nBsp; &nBsp;( 2 ) lislEn AnD Fill

    &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;ListEn to thE tApE For thE sEConD timE AnD Fill in thE BlAnks.

    &nBsp; &nBsp;( 3 ) listEn AriD writE

    &nBsp; &nBsp;LislEn to thE tApE For thE thirD timE AnD AnswEr thE quEsCions.

    &nBsp; &nBsp; ①Why wAs North AFriCA importAnt in thE First CEntury BC?

    &nBsp; &nBsp; ②How mAny FAClors ArE thErE to Form A DEsErt'? WhAt ArE thEy?

    &nBsp; &nBsp; ②How ArE nEw FArminG mEthoDs hElpinG to stop thE DEsErt in XinjiAnG?

    &nBsp; &nBsp;( 4 ) Group DisCussion

    &nBsp; Work in Groups oF Four AnD DisCuss how to prEvEnt A GrEEn lAnD From BEinG A DEsErt.

    &nBsp; &nBsp;( 5 ) DiCtAtion

    &nBsp; &nBsp; ListEn to thE tApE AnD hAvE A DisCussion. WritE Down EvEry sinGlE worD.

    &nBsp; &nBsp; (JustiFiCAtion:'ThE ACtivitiEs proviDE thE stuDEnts with ChAnCE to GuEst AnD tEst,to usE thE strAtEGy

    &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;oF notE-mAkinG,to improvE thE listEninG ABility. )

    &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;StEp 3 Post-IistEninG(6 minuTEs)

    &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; HAvE An intErviEw. TAlk ABout thE CAusEs oF thE DEsErt AnD mEthoDs oF prEvEntion.

    &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;(JustiFiCAtion:ThE intErviEw BEtwEEn two stuDEnts wiU ConsoliDAtE whAt thEy hAvE lEArnED. In thE

    mEAntimE ,thE stuDEnts will EnhAnCE thE unDErstAnDinG oF thE CAusEs oF DEsErt,AnD inCrEAsE En-

    vironmEnt ConsCiousnEss. )

    &nBsp;HomEwork ( 2 &nBsp;minutEs) &nBsp;

    WritE A pAssAGE within 120 worDs ABout how A DEsErt ComEs into BEinG AnD how wE prEvEnt thE

    DEsErtiFiCAtion. &nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;

    (JusLiFiCAtion:ThE writinG will Both rEviEw whAt thE stuDEnts hAvE lEAmED AnD hElp thE tEAChEr

    ChECk how thEy GrAsp thE knowlEDGE. )

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