- 单项选择题 Which of the following is not true about teaching reading?
A、 The selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students. Inaccessible texts do not help improve students' reading skills but cause frustration.
B、 Tasks should he clearly given in advance.
C、 Tasks should help develop students' reading skills rather than test their reacling comprehension.
D、The teacher should not provide enough guidance and assistance at the beginning.
- D
- 下列体位,检查胆脂瘤的最佳选择是
- 腰椎的常规摄影位置是
- 颞骨岩部病变,常采用的CT扫描方式是
- 检查舟状骨病变,最宜选用
- 足前后位片不宜显示
- 股骨头无菌坏死的首选体位是
- 许氏位摄影要点中,错误的是
- 下列哪项不属于大剂量静脉肾盂造影的禁忌证
- 该患者最可能昏迷原因是
- 有关放大摄影的叙述,错误的是
- 心脏左前斜位摄影,身体冠状面与胶片夹角为
- 手骨病变检查的首选体位是
- 静脉胆囊造影应用的对比剂是
- 足(趾、蹠、跗)骨检查常规摄影体位是
- 对蓝紫色敏感的胶片是
- 关于气管、支气管正位体层摄影,患者臀、腰
- 动脉导管未闭,见对比剂右向左分流,表明有
- CT中对提高模/数转换器精度的描述,正确
- 足内斜位摄影,足底与暗盒的夹角为
- 眼及眼眶CT扫描技术适应证不包括