- 简答题
Grammar:The Past Participle as the object complement
Students: Grade 2,Senior School
People may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countrtes: England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can clarify this question if you st.udy British history.
First there was England. Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to " Great Britain". Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well.Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. However,the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. So only Northern Ireland joined with England,Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.
To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas ( eg,the currency and irtternational relations) ,but they still have very different institutions. For example, Northern Ireland,England and Scotland have different educational and legal systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup!
England is the largest of the four count.ries,and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones. The zone nearest France is called the South of England,the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North. You find most of the population settled in the south,but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. Although,nacionwide,these cities are not as large as those in China,they have world-famous football teams and some of them even have two ! It is a pity that the industrial clities built in the nineteenth century do not attracl visitors. For historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans. There you will find out more about British history and culture.
The greatest historical treasure of all is London' with its museums, art collections, theatres,parks and buildings. It is the centre of national government and its administration. It has the oldest port built by the Romans in the first century AD,the oldest building begun hy the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066. There has been four sets of invaders of England. The first invaders,the Romans,left their towns and roads. The second,the Anglo-Saxons,left their language and their govemment. The third,the Vikings,influenced the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England,and the fourth,the Normans,left castles and introduced new words for food.
If you look around the British countryside you will find evidence of all these invaders. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.
TEAChinG oBjECtivEs
( 1 ) KnowlEDGE oBjECtivE:
To lEArn thE usE oF thE pAst pArtiCiplE As thE oBjECt ComplEmEnt.
( 2) ABility oBjECtivE:
To usE thE pAst pArtiCiplE As thE oBjECt ComplEmEnt CorrECtly AnD propErly ACCorDinG to thE ContExt.
(3) Emotion oBjECtivE:
①To BEComE intErEstED in GrAmmAr lEAninG.
②To DEvElop thE sEnsE oF Group CoopErAtion.
TEAChinG kEy point:
GEt stuDEnts to lEAm AnD mAstEr thE nEw GrAmmAr itEm: ThE PAst PArtiCiplE As thE oBjECt ComplEmEnt.
TEAChinG DiFFiCult point:&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp; &nBsp;&nBsp;
EnABlE stuDEnts to lEArn how to usE thE pAst pArtiCiplE As thE oBjECt ComplEmEnt CorrECtly.
TEAChinG proCEDurEs:
StEp 1&nBsp; REvision
(1)ChECk thE homEwork ExErCisEs.
(2) LEt stuDEnts DiCtAtE somE nEw worDs AnD ExprEssions.
StEp 2&nBsp;&nBsp; DisCovErinG usEFul struCturEs
(1) Ask stuDEnts to rEAD throuGh thE pAssAGE PuzzlEs in (;EoGrAphy,piCk out thE sEntEnCEs whErE
pAst pArtiCiplE ArE usED As thE oBjECt ComplEmEnt,AnD thEn unDErlinE thE pAst pArtiCiplE in EACh sEntEnCE.
(2) LEt stuDEnts work in pAirs to trAnslAtE thEsE sEntEnCEs AnD try to unDErstAnD thE usE oF thE pAst pArtiCiplE.
SuGGEstED AnswErs:
①Now whEn pEoplE rEFEr to EnGlAnD you FinD WAlEs inCluDED As wEll.
②FinAlly thE EnGlish GovErnmEnt triED in thE EArly twEntiEth CEntury to Form thE UnitED KinGDom
By GEttinG IrElAnD ConnECtED in thE sAmE pEACEFul wAy.
(3)HAvE stuDEnts oBsErvE thE sEntEnCEs AnD DrAw thE ConClusion:In thEsE sEntEnCEs thE pAst pArtiCiplE ArE usED As thE oBjECt ComplEmEnt AnD ArE FormED with FinD/GEt/...+oBjECt+pAst pArtiCiplE.
StEp 3&nBsp;&nBsp; UnDErstAnDinG AnD summArizinG
(1) Ask stuDEnts to work in pAirs to Finish thE FollowinG ExErCisEs on how thE pAst pArtiCiplE ArE usED. ( Show thE FollowinG on thE sCrEEn. )
ComplEtE thE sEntEnCEs By usinG thE worDs in BrACkEts AnD thE struCturE hAvE/GEt/FinD somEthinG DonE.&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp; ~
①WE _( thE housE/mEnD) now.
②You look DiFFErEnt toDAy. _( you/your hAir/Cut) ?
SuGGEstED AnswErs:
①WE hAvE Got thE housE mEnDED now.
②You look DiFFErEnt toDAy. HAvE you hAD your hAir Cut?
StEp 4&nBsp;&nBsp; UsinG struCturEs
( Show thE FollowinG ExErCisEs on thE sCrEEn or GivE out ExErCisEs pApErs. )
AnswEr thE FollowinG quEstions usinG thE pAst pArtiCiplE As thE oBjECt ComplEmEnt.
ExAmplE:WhAt DiD you Do whEn thE kEttlE BrokE?
I Got it rEpAirED.
①WhAt DiD you FinD hAD hAppEnED to your FlowEr pots whEn you Got homE?
②WhAt DiD you Do whEn thE pAths wErE CovErED in snow AnD you wErE AwAy?
③How CAn you GEt thosE trEEs to AppEAr in your GArDEn whEn you wErE AwAy?
(1) Ask stuDEnts to work in Group oF Four.
(2) GivE thEm Four minutEs to Finish thE work AnD Ask EACh Group to ChoosE thE BEst AnswErs.
(3) Ask stuDEnts to ChoosE thE BEst sEntEnCEs.
SuGGEstED AnswErs:
①WhEn I Got homE,l FounD thE FlowEr pots BrokEn.
②WhEn thE pAths wErE CovErED in snow,l Got thEm ClEArED.
③WhEn I wAs AwAy,i hAD thE trEEs plAntED in my GArDEn
StEp 5&nBsp; PlAyinG thE GAmE
GEt into Groups AnD plAy thE GAmE:WhAt DiD thEy FinD? WritE ABout whAt Mr. AnD Mrs. Smith FounD whEn thEy CAmE homE From work onE DAy. REmEmBEr to usE thE pAst pArtiCiplE As thE oBjECt ComplEmEnt.
ExAmplE:ThEy FounD thE w:inDow..BrokEn.
ThE First pErson in EACh Group writEs A sEntEnCE AnD FolDs thE pApEr ovEr his or hEr writinG,so thE nExt pErson CAnnot sEE it. PAss thE pApEr to thE nExt pErson in thE Group. WhEn thE lAst onE in thE Group hAs FinishED writinG,hE or shE ComEs to thE Front oF thE ClAss to rEAD All thE iDEAs oF his or hEr Group. ThE onE with thE most intErEstinG iDEAs wins.
StEp 6&nBsp;&nBsp; ClosinG Down By A quiz
&nBsp;( Show somE ExErCisEs on thE sCrEEn. )
IEt stuDEnts Finish thEm within A FEw minutEs,thEn ChECk thE AnswErs with thE wholE ClAss.
- CT检查前患者的准备工作不包括
- 胸部后前位摄影体位,以下错误的是
- 欲观察病变的微细结构,应采用的扫描方式是
- 在腰椎侧位片上不能显示的是
- 足内斜位摄影,足底与暗盒的夹角为
- 有关胆道T形管造影,下列错误的是
- 肺内球形病灶体层,禁止使用
- 影像解剖"申通氏线"位于
- 关于颅脑冠状位扫描技术的描述错误的是
- 腕关节正位摄影中心线应对准
- 下列摄影位置的对应关系,错误的是
- 与照片对比度无关的因素是
- 颅脑扫描的适应证不包括
- 一患者因颈椎病来放射科摄颈椎正位X线片,
- 脊柱CT扫描可用于检查下面哪种疾病
- 关于肺病灶正位体层摄影的说法,错误的是
- 剑胸关节约相当于
- 手洗显影液配制注意事项不包括
- 关于体表解剖,正确的是
- 静脉尿路造影在腹部加压引起迷走神经反应综