


Listening and speaking course


Teaching objectives

Major steps and time allocation

Activities and justifications



  • TEAChinG oBjECtivEs

    ( 1 ) KnowlEDGE oBjECtivE:

    ①To listEn to AnD unDErstAnD thE listEninG mAtEriAls.

    ②To mAstEr thE FollowinG ExprEssions:

    I AlwAys wAntED to...BECAusE...

    I will nEED somE trAininG in...

    ThE ExpEriEnCE I will nEED is...

    I miGht FinD it DiFFiCult to...

    I nEED to prACtisE...

    My GrEAtEst proBlEm will BE to...

    I think I'm GooD At...so...

    I&nBsp; will&nBsp; nEED&nBsp; to&nBsp; BE/BEComE&nBsp; pAtiEnt , CrEAtivE , hArD-workinG , Co-opErAtivE , ConFiDEnt , BrAvE , positivEr DEtErminED ,EnErGEtiC ,striCt&nBsp; with...

    ( 2 ) ABility oBjECtivE:

    ①To CAtCh AnD unDErstAnD thE listEninG mAtEriAls.

    ②To DEvElop thE ABility to GEt spECiAl inFormAtion AnD tAkE notE whilE listEninG.

    ③To lEArn AnD usE thE ExprEssions oF DEsCriBinG pEoplE.

    (3)Emotion oBjECtivE:

    ①To know morE ABout GrEAt sCiEntists AnD thEir ContriButions.

    ②To DEvElop thE sEnsE oF Group CoopErAtion AnD tEAmwork.

    TEAChinG proCEDurEs:

    StEp 1&nBsp;&nBsp; LEAD-in(5 minutEs)

    PlAy A GAmE "WhAt joB Do I Do?"

    (1) Put stuDEnts into pAirs. CivE thEm EACh two minutEs to think oF A joB:its nECEssAry quAliFiCA tions,ExpEriEnCE AnD whAt is ExpECtED.

    (2) LEt onE DEsCriBE A joB,But in thEir DEsCription Do not mEntion whAt it is. ThEir pArtnEr shoulD try to GuEss whAt it is.

    (3)SwAp thE rolEs AnD lEt thE sEConD pErson Do thE sAmE.

    (JustiFiCAtion:ThE GAmE CAn spArk stuDEnts' intErEst AnD proviDE BACkGrounD knowlEDGE rElAtED to joB. )

    StEp 2&nBsp; PrE-IistEninG(3 minutEs)

    (1)TEll stuDEnts thEy will listEn to A DiAloGuE ABout QiAn XuEsEn AnD his work.

    (2) GivE stuDEnts somE DirECtions AnD mAkE thEm prEDiCt whAt thE listEninG tExt is ABout.

    ( JustiFiCAtion:ThE stuDEnts' ABility oF prEDiCtion CAn BE trAinED. AnD thE intErEst AnD Curiosity lEAD thEm to listEn with purposE. )

    StEp 3&nBsp;&nBsp; WhilE-IistEninG(20 minutEs)

    (1)HAvE stuDEnts listEn to thE tApE First to GEt thE mAin iDEA AnD DECiDE whEthEr thEir prEDiCtion is riGht or not.

    (2) Ask stuDEnts to listEn to thE tApE AGAin. LEt thEm listEn AnD AnswEr somE quEstions. ( Show thE quEstions on thE BlACkBoArD)

    (3)StuDEnts ExChAnGE thE inFormAtion AnD listEn to thE tApE A thirD timE For ChEEkinG. LEt thEm hAvE thE CorrECt AnswErs.

    (JustiFiCAtion:ThE prEDiCtion CAn BE ChECkED. ThE listEninG ABility For DEtAilED inFormAtion CAn BE improvED AFtEr listEninG thrEE timEs. )

    StEp 4&nBsp;&nBsp; Post-listEninG(15 minutEs)

    (1) GivE 2 ~3 minutEs to stuDEnts to Ask quEstions iF thEy hAvE Any.

    (2)Show stuDEnts thE listEninG tExt AnD lEt thEm rEAD it AlouD.

    (3) LEt stuDEnts rEAD AlouD thE quEstions AnD ExprEssions on thE BlACkBoArD:

    I AlwAys wAntED to...BECAusE...

    I will nEED somE trAininG in...

    ThE ExpEriEnCE I will nEED is...

    I miGht FinD it DiFFiCult to...

    I nEED to prACtisE...

    My GrEAtEst proBlEm will BE to...

    I think I'm GooD At...so...

    I&nBsp; will &nBsp;nEED&nBsp; to&nBsp; BE/BEComE&nBsp; pAtiEnt , CrEAtivE, hArD-workinG, Co-opErAtivE, ConFiDEnt , BrAvE , positivE ,DEtErminED , EnErGEtiC , striCt&nBsp; with...

    (4) MAkE surE thEy will unDErstAnD AnD BE ABlE to usE thEm. ThEn lEt thEm in pAirs DisCuss whAt sCiEntiFiC joB EACh oF thEm woulD likE to ChoosE in thE FuturE.

    (5) GEt somE pAirs to ACt out thEir DiAloGuE in Front oF thE ClAss.

    (JustiFiCAtion:AFtEr listEninG thE mAtEriAl,thE rEADinG will hElp C:onsoliDAtE thEir listEninG ABility,AnD thE DiAloGuE improvEs thEir spEAkinG in CommuniCAtion. )

    SlEp 5&nBsp;&nBsp; HomEwork(2 minutEs)

    ( 1 ) MAkE sEntEnCEs with thE ExprEssions in thE lEsson.

    (2)SurF thE intEmEt to FinD out morE inFormAtion ABout sCiEntists AnD tAkE notEs oF thEir liFE AnD work.

    (JustiFiCAtion:ThE homEwork will ConsoliDAtE AnD BroADEn whAt thEy hAvE lEAmED in ClAss. )

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