- 简答题
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activities and justifications
Town Twinning
How are Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France similar?Well,they are both medium-sized towns of between 100,000 and 200,000 inhabitants.They both have universities and industries.Tourism is important to both of them,and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the region.But they share something else,they have a town twinning agreement.
Town twinning is not a new idea,but it has become more popular in recent years because it's now easier to find out about and visit other countries and towns.It's an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age,and which have similar features such as tourism,industry,culture and entertainment.
Town twinning agreements encourage people from the two towns to visit each other.There are visits and exchanges between schools,theater groups and sports teams.Visitors from the foreign town usually stay in the private homes of the town they are visiting.There id usually a big party for the visitors.
Town twinning agreements are perhaps most useful for students and people who want to practice speaking another language.This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language,and a result you improve fast.
TEAChinG oBjECtivEs
(1) KnowlEDGE oBjECtivEs:
①To BE ABlE to unDErstAnD thE mAin iDEA AnD somE DEtAils oF thE pAssAGE.
②To know somEthinG ABout Town TwinninG:thE similAritiEs BEtwEEn thE town twirminG,thE town twinninG AGrEEmEnts,EtC.
(2) ABility oBjECtivEs:
①To usE rEADinG skills suCh As skimminG,sCAnninG AnD CArEFul rEADinG DurinG thE proCEss oF unDErstAnDinG oF thE pAssAGE.
②To improvE thE ABilitiEs oF spEAkinG By rEtEllinG thE pAssAGE.
③To writE A pAssAGE ABout A town twinninG.
(3) Emotion oBjECtivEs:
①StuDEnts CAn GEt morE intErEstED in EnGlish CulturE.
②StuDEnts CAn improvE thE spirit oF FriEnDship AnD ExChAnGEs, AnD BuilD up thE sEnsE oF GloBAl CoopErAtion. &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;
TEAChinG ContEnts:
(1) ComprEhEnsion oF thE GivEn tExt.
(2) REtEllinG thE pAssAGE wilh thE hElp oF thE GivEn worDs AnD sEntEnCEs.
(3) WritinG tAsk.
TEAChinG kEy AnD importAnt point:
To unDErstAnD somE knowlEDGE ABout Town TwinninG AnD rEtEll thE pAssAGE.
TEAChinG&nBsp; AiDs : multi-mEDiA
TEAChinG proCEDurEs:
StEp I WArminG up AnD lEAD-in (5 minutEs)
1. GrEEtinG
2. LEAD in thE topiC By plAyinG A viDEo ABout thE town twinninG BEijinG City AnD NEw York AnD Ask
stuDEnts to hAvE A FrEE tAlk:
( 1 ) WhAt is thE rElAtionqhip BEtwEEn&nBsp; BEijinG AnD NEw&nBsp; York?
(2) Why CAn thE CitiEs BEComE town twinninG?
( JustiFiCAtion: ThE First stEp AttrACts stuDEnts' intErEst to 1EArri this lEsson AnD lEADs in to thE mAin iDEA oF' thE tExt. )&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp; ,
StEp 2 PrE-rEADinG (7 minutEs)
1. Common sEnsE on towrn twinninG.
2. Ask stuDEnts to GivE CxAmplEs oF town twinninG CitiEs.
3. PlAy thE viDEo ABout town twinninG OxForD AnD (;rEnoBlE.&nBsp; WhilE EnjoyinG thE viDEo, stuClEnts
think ovEr thE FollowinG quEstion:"WhAt ArE thE similAriCiEs l)EtwEEn thE two CitiEs?"
( JustiFiCAtion: To FoCus stuDEnts' AttEntion on thE mAin topiC oF thE rEADinG pAssAGE.&nBsp; C.omprEhEnDinG thE nEw worDs CAn hElp stuDEnts to uriDErstAnD thE pAssAGE EAsily. It prEpArEs stuDEnts to unDErstAnD thE topiC AnD proviDEs thEm with thE opportunity to ConnECt somE AspECts oF thE topiC to
thEir knowlEDGE. )
StEp 3 WhilE-rEADinG( 18 minutEs)
1 . FAst rEADinG
Ask stuDEnts to rEAD thE pAssAGE quiCkly AnD thEn ConCluDE thE mAin iDEA oF EACh pArAGrAph.
MAin iDEA:
PArAGrAph l-introDuC:tion-thE similAritiEs BEtwEEn thE two CitiEs
PArAGrAph 2-DEFinition oF town twinninG
PArAGrAph 3-ContEnts oF town twinninG AGrEEmEnts
PArAGrAph 4-FunCtions oF towrn LwinninG AGrEEmEnts
&nBsp;( JustiFiCAtion:&nBsp; To trAin thE stuDEnts' rEADinG ABility oF sCAnninG For thE GEnErAl inFormAtion oF thE pAssAGE. ThE quEstions, whiCh ArE ClosEly rElAtED to thE mAin points oF thE pAssAGE, hElp thE stuDEnts GrAsp its mAin iDEA. )
2. CArEFul rEADinG
(1) Ask thE stuDEnts to rEAD thE pAssAGE CArEFully AnD DECiDE whEthEr thE stAtEmEnts ArE truE or
FAlsE AnD ExplAin why.
①Both sizE AnD populAtion in OxForD AnD GrEnoBlE ArE similAr.
②OxForD UnivErsity is FAmous in thE worlD; HowEvEr, thErE is no univErsity in GrEnoBlE.
③Town twinninG is A nEw iDEA in moDEm timEs.
④Town twinninG AGrEEmEnts EnCourAGE pEoplE to visit AnD ExChAnGE in CulturE AnD EDuCAtion.
⑤Town twinninG AGrEEmEnts ArE usEFul For ForEiGn lAnGuAGE lEArninG.
(2) Ask stuDEnts to work in Groups AnD hAvE A CompEtition to AnswEr thE FollowinG quEstions:
①WhAt ArE thE similAritiEs BEtwEEn OxForD AnD GrEnoBlC?
②Why is thE iDEA oF town twinninG populAr nowADAys?
③WhAt is thE DEFinition oF town twinninG AGrEEmEnts?
④WhAt ACtivitiEs Do thE AGrEEmEnts tAkE to EnCourAGr pEoplE From thE two towns to visit EACh othEr?
⑤Why ArE thE town twinninG AGrEEmEnts usEFul For stuDEnts AnD pEoplE who wAnt to lEAm A lAnGuAGE?
( JustiFiCAtion: In this pArt,thE tEAChEr UqEs thE tAsk-BAsED tEAChinG mEthoD to ArousE thE Enthusi-Asm oF stuDEnts AnD to trAin thEir AnAlyzinG AnD summArizinG ABility.&nBsp; In thE proCEss oF An8wErinG
thE quEstions, stuDEnts' rEADinG skills For thE DEtAilED inFormAtion ArE improvED AnD it will hElp stuDEnts unDErstAnD thE pAssAGE loGiCAlly. )
&nBsp;( 3 ) ListEninG prACtiCE
PlAy thE tApE AnD Ask stuDEnts to rEAD thE pAssAGE AFtEr thE tApE AnD pAy AttEntion to thE pronunCiAtion oF thE worDs AnD sEntEnCEs.
&nBsp;( JustiFiCAtion:ThE listEninG prACitiCE hElps stuDEnts ConsoliDAtE thEir unDErstAnDinG oF thE tExt, )
StEp 4 Post-rEADinG ( 10 minutEs)
GEt stuDEnts to rEtEll thE pAssAGE ACCorDinG to thE outlinE AnD kEy worDs on PPT.&nBsp; Ask stuDEnts to rEtEll BEtwEEn pArtnErs First, thEn Ask two stuDEnts to rEtEll BEForE ClAss.
OutlinE oF thE tExt:
PArAGrAph l-introDuClion-thE similAritiEs BEtwEEn thE two CitiEs.
PArAGrAph 2-DEFinition oF town twinninG
PArAGrAph 3-ContEnts oF town twinninG AGrEEmEnts
PArAGrAph 4-FunCtions oF town twinninG AGrEEmEnts
KEy worDs AnD sEntEnCEs:
OxForD in thE UK AnD GrEnoBlE in FrAnCE ArE similAr in thE FollowinG thrEE AspECts,mEDium-sizED,
univErsity,tourism,populAr,EnCourAGC,ThErE ArE visits AnD ExChAnGEs,stAy in,usEFul...
( JustiFiCAtion: ThE ACtivity oF rEtEllinG thE tExt CArriED out unDEr CErtAin situAtion CAn ACtivAtE thE AtmosphErE oF thE ClAss AnD ArousE stuDEnts' intErEst At thE sAmE timE.&nBsp; It hElps stuDEnts. StrEnGthEn
whAt thEy hAvE lEArnED DurinG this lEsson. )
StEp 5 SummAry AnD HomEwork(5 minutEs)
SummAry: Ask onE stuDEnt to ACt As An AssistAnt tEAChEr to GuiDE othErs to summArizC whAt thEy hAvE lEArnED in this ClAss.&nBsp; AnD thEn GivE A ConClusion ABout this lEsson
HomEwork :
(1) ListEn to thE tApE AnD rEAD thE tExt AlouD.
(2)Ask stuDEnts to sEArCh For morE inFormAtion on thE IntEmEt AnD writE A short pAssAGE ABout
BEijinG's town twinninG City.
(JustiFiCAtion: HomEwork is so importAnt AnD nECEssAry For stuDEnts to mAstEr thE knowlEDGE thEy hAvE lEAmED in ClAss. It will ChECk whEthEr thE stuDEnts AChiEvE thE LEAChinG oBjECCivEs. )
BlACkBoArD DEsiGn:
Town TwinninG
OutlinE oF thE tExt:
PArAGrAph l-introDuCtion
PArAGrAph 2-DEFinition
PArAGrAph 3-ContEnts
PArAGrAph 4-FunCitions
- 一车祸伤的女性患者,为排除T7椎体骨折来
- 关于骶髂关节前后位摄影,以下错误的是
- 颌面部CT增强扫描技术不包括
- 手部常规X线摄影不适于哪项病变
- 关于CT噪声和信噪比的说法,下列错误的是
- 心脏大血管摄影中的体位与下列有关的是
- 头颅侧位平片摄影,能显示的组织是
- 股骨摄影检查的常规摄影体位是
- 比较适用于头颅CT扫描的对比剂注射方法是
- 胆囊造影口服碘番酸,常规成人一次用量为
- 脊柱CT检查扫描技术参数错误的是
- 胸部侧位标准片所见,描述错误的是
- 属于肝脏排泄的对比剂是
- 显影时间延长时照片所受影响不包括
- 髋关节前后位摄影,被检侧足尖应
- 符号+3表示的牙齿是
- 关于高电压胸部摄影特点,错误的是
- 耳部CT扫描的适应证不包括
- 常用作定影剂的物质是
- 某部位80kVp、40mAs、FFD=2