
课堂教学目标的设定通常需要关注四个要素:Who,Will do what, Under what conditions, To what degree。请根据上述四个要素简述下列教学目标所存在的问题(12分),并改写该教学目标。(8分)Teaching Objectives: 

Enable students to talk about festivals and customs in English and express or support an opinion with suitable expressions.  

  • 该教学目标中只有who和will 和will Do whAt,但没有说明unDEr whAt ConDitions和to whAt DEGrEE。另外,教学目标的确定应体现以学41为中心的原则。学生是学习的主体,这是现代教育的基本理念。教师要从学生的角度考虑,以学生的知识、技能和情感态度的发展为目标,准确定位教学日标。教学目标的行为主体应是学生,而不是教师是否完成的预定的教学任务。所以应对其进行补充修改。教学目标应改为:

    ( 1 ) KnowlEDGE oBjECtivE:StuDEnts CAn lEArn somE usEFul worDs AnD ExprEssions in this tExt likE FEAst,GAthEr,BEliEF,DrEssup,plAy A triCk on,ADmirE,poEt,look ForwArD,DAy AnD niGht,EtC.

    ( 2) ABility oBjECtivE:StuDEnts CAn know DiFFErEnt FEstivAls AnD CElEBrAtions ArounD thE worlD.StuDEnts CAn tAlk ABout ChinEsE FEstivAls AnD Customs in EnGlish AnD GEt to know somE inFormAtionABout ForEiGn FEstivAls.

    ( 3 ) Emotion&nBsp; oBjECtivE :StuDEnts CAn hAvE A FurthEr unDErstAnDinG oF DiFFErEnt FEs,ivA,s AnD CElEBrAtions thE worlDAnD At thE sAmE timE rEspECt thE DiFFErEnt FEstivAl Customs in DiFFErEnt CountriEs

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