- 简答题
●teaching objectives
●teaching contents
●key and difficult points
●major steps and time allocation
●activities and justifications
Now you have the chance to create a new festival. Talk with your partner and make a name for your festival. Prepare a short report about your new festival and present it to the class.
Points to discuss:
●when the festival takes place
●what the festival is for
●what people do at the festival
●what people eat at the festival
Write a brochure for the new festival that you have created, introducing it and giving advice to those who want to come. Be sure to include:
●where it will take place
●how people can get there
●what kind of weather people should expect
●what things people should bring
●three things that visitors should see
●how much it will cost
Use the following expressions to help you.
You must ...
You should…
You could...
You can...
You might...
You Would…
You would have to…
You need...
TEAChinG oBjECtivEs
(1) KnowlEDGE oBjECtivE:
To lEAm somE nEw worDs AnD phrAsEs oF FEstivAls.
(2) ABility oBjECtivE:
To tAlk ABout FEstivAls AnD writE DiAloGuEs with nEw worDs AnD GrAmmAr.
(3) Emotion oBjECtivE:
To hAvE A FurthEr unDErstAnDinG oF FEstivAls AnD spEAk ConFiDEntly in Front oF thE ClAss.
TEAChinG ContEnts:
(1) ComprEhEnsion oF thE GivEn tExt. &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;
(2) OrGAnizinG A short spEECh on FEstivAl in pAirs or in Groups.
(3) DiFFiCult worDs AnD phrAsEs.
(4)WritinG tAsk.
TEAChinG kEy AnD DiFFiCult point:
(1) AppliCAtion oF GrAmmAr points AnD nEw worDs.
(2) PrEsEntAtion oF spEEChEs in ClAss.
(3) To writE A BroChurE AFtEr ClAss with nEw ExprEssions.
TEAChinG&nBsp; AiDs : multi-mEDiA
TEAChinG proCEDurEs:
StEp I WArminG-up(5 minutEs)
WAtCh A viDEo Clip on FEstivAls ArounD thE worlD AnD introDuCE nEw worDs AnD phrAsEs on FEstivAls.
&nBsp;( JustiFiCAtion:ThE show oF thE viDEo proviDEs thE stuDEnts with BAsiC knowlEDGE ABout FEstivAls. )
&nBsp;StEp 2 PrE-writinG( 10 minutEs)
READ thE rEquirEmEnts AnD Ask stuDEnts to work in pAirs on shon spEEChEs.
(JustiFiCAtion:ThE spEEChEs BEtwEEn stuDEnt8 CAn ACtivAtE thEir intErEst AnD prEpArE For thE nExtwritinG tAsk. )
StEp 3 WhilE-writinG(20 minutEs)
( 1) WritinG An outlinE
WritE An outlinE in Groups ACCorDinG to thE rEquirEmEnts AnD thE spEEChEs,AnD ExChAnGE thE out-
linEs AnD mAkE suGGEstions BEtwEEn Groups.
(2)WritE A DrAFt
WritE A DrAFt ACCorDinG to thE rEquirEmEnt AnD thE outlinE.
(JustiFiCAtion: ThE&nBsp; tAsk&nBsp; u8Es&nBsp; thE&nBsp; proCEss&nBsp; ApproACh&nBsp; to&nBsp; CultivAtE&nBsp; stuDEnts'&nBsp; writinG;
Ahility&nBsp; inDEpEnDEntly. )
StEp 4 Post-writinG(7 minutEs)
AssEss your BroChurE with your pArtnEr's ACCorDinG to thE FollowinG CritEriA:
(1) whEthEr thE spEllinG is riGht.
(2)whEthEr thE orGAnizAtion works to LhE purposE.
(3)whEthEr it is nEAt,BEAutiFul AnD EAsy to rEAD.
( JustiFiCAtion:ThE CritEriA will EnABlE stuDEnts to BEAr thE tAsks in minD ClEArly. ThE mutuAl Assi8
tAnCE will hElp thEm improvE writinG ABility. )
StEp 5 HomEwork(3 minutEs)
MAkE FurthEr AmEnDmEnts to your DrAFt ACCorDinS; to your tEAChEr AnD pArtnEr's suGGEstions. AnD
hAnD in your writinG tomorrow.
(JustiFiCAtion:ThE tAsk rEquirEs stuDEnts to AmEnD thE DrAFt AFtEr ClAss. )
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